Sunday, November 25, 2012

Your Pussy Is One Of A Kind!

Every girl is made up of an intricate network of nerves that is unique to her and her alone!  No two females are the same.

You know the feelings you get when your body is caressed? When your lover kisses you or puts fingers in your vagina? These simulations are felt by your nervous system, which then sends signals to your brain about what is going on with your body. You have a very intricate nervous system throughout your whole body and it is very complex in the pelvic area of females. There are nerves branching out in the vagina, clitoris, perineum, and cervix, but they are usually more prominent in a certain area based on the individual. No two females have the same branching of nerves in each part of their reproductive system.

This is why some women can have vaginal orgasms at the drop of a dime but other women have to have extreme clitoral stimulation or even anal stimulation to have an orgasm. This is why something that your partner did with a past "lover" got them off but won't do a thing for you. Please, don't let it get you down.

There is nothing wrong with you if you have a hard time reaching orgasm. Perhaps you just do not know what really turns you on. You can't be afraid to experiment with different things to find out what you really enjoy.

For example: maybe you have more nerves branching out in your perineum and at the top of your rectum than you do in your vagina or clitoris but you have always been afraid to try anal sex. Well maybe since you have never had any kind of anal stimulation you have not been able to really experience your sexuality to the fullest. Maybe you need that extra stimulation to reach orgasm. Don't be intimidated or scared; just play with yourself first in order to tell your partner or potential partner what it is that you like.

Every relationship we enter has to have an open mind for everything sexual. We (as females at least) can't compare ourselves to each other! I know that it is very easy to compare and judge ourselves against other women, but we are just hurting ourselves in this process. We need to see ourselves as individuals and start treating ourselves like such.

You are free to know yourself and your own body. It is every woman's right to know what she enjoys and what gets her off.

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