Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Words Have Meaning

This blog began as a way for me to explain how my brain works because, at the time of this blog, humans were a mystery to me. No one seemed to think like I thought. No one had the problems I did and I was constantly being told I was "weird", "awkward" or "broken". After years of self-exploration, I've discovered social anxiety, introvert tendencies, ADHD, and depression. I've also learned that each of these things manifested with others can make me difficult to deal with or interact with this, this blog continues. 

On a number of social media apps, I will get random messages from people that "just want to chat" on most social media pages that are attached to me I have a whole section about keeping messages "purposeful", or "business orientated" but really what I'm saying is "Don't pop into my inbox for -no reason- expecting me to validate/entertain or otherwise have a banal conversation with you". That's not who I am and that's not what I'm about. For the simple reason, my brain has a really hard time with conversations that are ordinary and containing nothing that is interesting or important.  This is because of my ADHD but also because of my high IQ and low life expectancy. I value my time a lot more than the average person so if you're looking to meaningless platitudes or insincere compliments, you're messaging the wrong person. I am a person that fully understands the meanings of words. The phrase "words have meaning" sounds really condescending, doesn't it? But for me, I don't know what you mean I only know what you say.