Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Joker... Can we be serious?

Every fuck boy that can't make it in society and has problems with law enforcement enjoys calling himself "The Joker". It's become almost a sickening joke when someone honestly expects me to refer to them as such. Don't get it twisted, the almost identical situation occurs when a girl wants to be a Harley Quinn. Most people don't understand the derangements that exist in these characters or the motivations for them. 

Joker has many backstories depending on how far back and which universe we are going through but let's discuss what Jack Napier, Joseph Kerr, Johnny Jape, W.C. Whiteface, Clavier Ankh, Mr. Genesius, Red Hood, Dr. J. Reko, Oberon Sexton, Jack White, Melvin White, & Eric Border have in common. They're all simple "dogs chasing cars" and not a single one of them would know what to do if they actually caught one. By this, I mean that all of their individual actions are reactionary. None of it is a plan. After all, does Joker look like a man with a plan?

Joker is not known for very good "long-term" planning and his self-control leaves a LOT to be desired but that makes sense when you understand that self-control is the ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals. 

Joker is emotionally shallow, never showing any remorse for his previous criminal behavior, and unable to display any empathy. He never denied any knowledge of episodes of aggression. So what makes him so difficult to understand is that his "games" seem to be so broad but he doesn't look like the type of man with a plan. Yet, anyone who's read a great deal of Joker stories understands that that's not the case at all and truthfully I for one would not be surprised if his reasoning for not LOOKING like a man capable of making, and executing a plan isn't part of his design. 

Culpulible deniability being what is it! "It was the heat of the moment", "He was under the influence of drugs", "Shit in life fucked with him hard", "He just had a bad day". He doesn't want any of the consequences to be ON HIM. Luckily for him, though he has a nemesis that is more than willing to accept that EVERYTHING is his fault, Batman is a story for another day. 

The important thing to understand about the Joker and what sets him across from all these mentally deranged criminals that want to claim that they are the Joker is commitment. Most of these criminals lack the commitment to BE the Joker. All that's in the Joker's pockets is lint and knives. The Joker leaves no survivors unless intended to and the Joker has zero problems serving because he knows that he'll be capable of breaking out again, with or without help. 

Please do us all a favor. Stop trying to be a knock off Joker.

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