Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fake or Proper Etiquette

In life, we will have interactions that don't go our way and we will wonder "why". Most Americans will search for blame in others. A dog bites a child and instantly everyone blames the dog, but no one considers for a moment that the child could have "deserved" it. Even say that will probably get me some negative comments, but hear me out.

In life how much disrespect or rude behavior do you tolerate before you lash out. Physically or verbally? No one will scold you for standing up for yourself or no longer allowing the behavior to continue. Does the dog have that option though?

Often we have moments in our life where people are rude, disrespectful, or insulting but when is it ok to "bite"? Never? Etiquette is what governs good behavior and our social and business interactions, is always evolving and changing as society changes. It reflects our cultural norms and generally accepted ethical codes. Without it, society degrades into mammalian instincts which includes the biting the dog used to stop a behavior he didn't like to continue. 

The average millennial wasn't taught etiquette because their parents viewed it as being fake. How could you smile and speak pleasantly with someone you hated? It's etiquette and its the lost art of "adulting". Its also why most millennials don't feel like an adult. Etiquette is the foundation of adult/professional behavior. It is what allows us to show respect and consideration to others but also makes others glad that we are with them. Without proper manners and etiquette, polite society crumbles and all that is left is the over aggression and "every man for himself" attitude which does not help us survive.

Etiquette used to dictate a great number of things but like I mentioned it was slowly chipped away as early as the civil war. We no longer require widows to dress in black for a year after their husbands die. The etiquette we've kept is to ensure communication and being respectful. For example, if you have social anxiety, taking a course on etiquette could help you be more comfortable in a situation because you will know how you are "expected" to act. Etiquette requires that you almost make others feel comfortable while protecting their feelings. A number of people state that this isn't a requirement for interaction and we've already started to see the degradation of this in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections where the terms "snowflake" started to be thrown around to degrade people for wanting all parties to feel comfortable in the situations. 

While leaving comments on photos of people that are posted internet "the rule of ten seconds" is applied which states that if someone cant fixes something about their appearance in ten seconds then you don't address it. That's part of etiquette. 

Etiquette is designed to break down barriers that can prevent clear communication and while it did have a history of erecting some to separate the classes that is no longer where it is. Its an ever-changing situation and having proper etiquette will make you see more capable, more professional, and more intelligent not just in the workplace but also in a number of social situations. 

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