Monday, June 15, 2020

Anal Sex

I've gotten a lot of requests for anal in my lifetime and I'm assuming you know about my career path so you can understand that is "more" than the "average" female. Anal sex regardless of amateur or professional level takes a lot of preparation. While sex takes almost nothing! A little lube here or a little spit there and you're in, proper hydration and you can go for an hour, no problem.

Anal sex is NOT like that. When you watch anal sex in a pornographic clip, anal seems like something you can just decide to do spontaneously, but real-life anal requires much more care and has to be taken a lot more slowly. It can take multiple rounds to reach a point of full insertion and pleasure for both partners. Inserting and pulling out because you found a "dry" spot, applying more lube and doing it again, but ... ope! The second sphincter didn't open or isn't lubed enough.

Anal sphincters need to be trained. Failure to do so can damage them or cause the receiver of anal a lot of discomfort and possible embarrassment later. Just like any other muscle, anal sphincters need regular exercise in order to increase flexibility and overall capability of being stretched. 

Also, if you don't trust your partner completely that can make you tense which can cause you to tighten up. Being a tight ass isn't just an expression its a literal thing that happens when you're under stress or self-conscious. You have to be confident that if your partner hits resistance that they will stop, re-lube, and then re-insert.

Your anal cavity is made up of two sphincters. the internal sphincter and the external sphincter muscle. These muscles control your bowel movements. Damage to either of your anal sphincters can cause a decreased ability to control bowel movements and can contribute to symptoms of accidental bowel leakage.

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