Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Today's Decision

If you told me when I was 18 years old that there was more to life than money, I'd have rolled my eyes at you.
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A few years later I learned that to be true. I learned that there was more to life than "paying bills until you die" My daughter was born. Chemicals in my brain rewired it to see her upbringing as a new and more important goal. I quit my job with the bank to be a stay at home mom but after 3 months I couldnt do it any more. Nap times were too long and how much Tiny Toons, Teletubbies and Blues Clues can one watch? Thats when I discovered a bunch of different avenues which would allow me to make the money I needed with the freedom to say "No, not today".

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Today is one of those days where I am reminded of that. The weather is horrible and there are a bunch of weather warnings issued. I had to be reminded that my strip club job was just like any other gig I've taken in these industries and all they are going to give me is little slips of paper with numbers on them. I can get those slips of paper at other places or make them in other ways but I can't if I'm stuck in a hospital fighting for my life because I hit a telephone pole or skidded into the river or worse.

Theres lots of risks you have to make in life to be successful. One of them is learning to say NO. Most modern jobs make it seem like you cant say NO, but you can. No is also a complete statement. Yeah, this worlds economy seems so unbalanced and companies are downsizing and merging almost every day. If you say "no" they'll probably dump YOU, right? Are you a good employee? Do you bring in money? Do you do your job in a timely manner without any or little supervision? When you're a good employee, when you're an asset to the company saying "no" is a power move. It cements your place in the company and if they do fire you, so what? You'll have to explain that at your next job interview.

"I said no, I wouldnt risk my life to come in for that shift because it was a blizzard outside." That takes guts. That takes a back bone of steel and if you dont have it, then success is not the avenue you're going down. Set your limits and boundaries then stick to them.

This is why EVERY DAY i choose sex work, because my physical, and emotional health are better because of it.

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