Monday, April 11, 2011

Many things are changing in my personal life!!!

This last week has certainly been a crazy one. I found out I'm pregnant (Due Nov. 26th 2011) and also realized that my lease is almost up on my apartment which I'm very happy about. I want to be out of this apartment so much!

If you've been following my rants and raves on twitter and facebook then you know that my landlord has not be living up to his duties. So, the new baby is just the straw that broke the camels back. If I'm going to have two children then I definately need a more stable environment especially since my oldest is almost two and is a tiny ball of energy. She needs at least a yard to play in.

I want to move more into the city that way I'm closer to more parks which will be great for my dogs and my kids.

The neighborhood I'm looking at is a tease though! While I was walking through I noticed quite a few were for sale, and if I could get approved for a mortgage I could more than afford it! It'd even be cheaper than my current rent even when you add in taxes, and insurance! So that's a goal for my family.

I want to get one of the multi-family houses so that I can use the other half as a studio. So keep your fingers crossed and visit my "Links" page if you'd like to make a donation :-P

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