Wednesday, February 5, 2025


I go in for my first surgical consultation tomorrow. Not my first rodeo but I'm still a bit nervous. In case you weren't following the story on Twitter & TikTok, here's your catch-up.

"Omg! Like wtf is wrong with you?"

[ ] Polyarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (stage 4)

[ ] Inflammatory Polyarthropathy

[ ] Osteoarthritis 

[ ] Trochanteric bursitis

"It can't be THAT bad"

CT Scan showed degenerative facet joint arthropathy changes, bilateral foraminal stenosis, osteophytosis and bone sclerosis on every cervical vertebrae. This is a bunch of scary words that basically just come down to the bones in my neck not holding the weight they should require the muscles go do mode. Gotta work on getting my neck and throat muscles stronger. Since we checked all the "uh oh" alarms I was sent for an MRI which made ALL the medical staff look at me like when super girl has a syringe needle break in her skin. 

Which is how we got here, 48 hours after my "super girl" moment. Might have to go in for major surgery which could put me on the shelf for 3 to 6 months and that's really what I'm scared about. 

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