Wednesday, July 7, 2021

"Why are you a [Sex Worker]?"

Because I have SERIOUS problems with -requesting- time off. Requesting hours. The company needs workers, those workers should get a full say in how that works but we've fallen so far from FREEDOM that we are entering into a different kind of slavery. I refuse. If a company is NOT giving me benefits and $75k+ a year then they get -informed- of when I'm coming and going. Regardless of what you pay me, I will tell you what my availability is and will NEVER say -Oh, I've got OPEN availability- Why?
Cause, the fuck I do!

No one on this planet has open availability. People need to eat, sleep, bathe, laugh... People need more from their life than what capitalism can give. Capitalism is a rat trap for us, rats. Open availability is a trap, especially the way these companies want it.
Open availability for most minimum wage jobs translates to "I will work from open to close, every motherfucking day" and that's just not realistic. Your body and soul need time to rest and focus on things that matter TO YOU. You need to be able to create, relax and play.

Sorry (Not really), if I'm your employee I'm going to give you realistic expectations.
Under promise, over-deliver. Just like if you hire me for a custom photo set or a video. 

THAT'S WHY I'M A [SEX WORKER] - because I'm a mother fucking business. There's no separating my "hustle"/job from my "downtime"/life. The other things that are going on in my life are what make my working hours so costly.  If you cant understand where the expense comes from then I have to ask if you're truly happy with your life or if you are just a rat stuck on the wheel. 

You'll be some ballsy as mother fuckers dealing with these minimum wage hell holes day in and day out. 

I'm naked online but you all are sacrificing your life for someone else's dream of having the shiniest rocks and having more of them than anyone else.

He who dies with the most toys... STILL DIES

 It's disgusting in my book and I just can't deal with that. No one was made to pay bills and work till they die. I cannot believe that is our purpose. I know it's not mine. The "American Dream" has slowly been cut apart and stripped of all its value. Surviving should NOT be the new dream. Just getting by should not be the new white picket fence. 

People look at sex workers and degrade them, shaming them for getting dollars thrown at them for twirling around a pole. The stripper does not feel degraded. Not one ounce. A stripper feels degraded by the contempt and disrespects the audience puts on them by NOT tipping them. 

Not a single sex worker alive looked at the stigma and went "ooooh! Fashion statement" and lived that life just floating on giggles and candy. The stigma comes from the outsiders that can't get into the club feeling excluded and lacking so they have to shift that somewhere else. 

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